Hardwood floors are a significant investment and an elegant form of luxury that can boost the value of your property. However, to make sure you receive their real benefits, you need to understand that there are different kinds of installation methods for different hardwood flooring.
Why You Should Choose Al Havner & Sons Hardwood Flooring!
Top Five Things to Look for When Hiring a Hardwood Flooring Contractor
Installing a hardwood floor is really simple if you possess the skill and knowledge to do it. However, following a DIY manual and relying on a salesperson at a furniture store, may not be the best way to go about it.
What Makes Al Havner & Sons Hardwood Flooring Stand Out
Thanks for stopping by our blog. If you’re looking for more information about Al Havner & Sons Hardwood Flooring you’ve come to the right place.
Meet The Face Behind Al Havner & Sons Hardwood Flooring
I’m Al Havner, proud owner of Al Havner & Sons Hardwood Flooring.
I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.
Announcing the new website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
Our new website provides our existing and prospective clients a simple yet interactive view of our work and the services we offer.
Removing Pet Stains, Black Tar, Refinish
Removing Black Gunk Today we started a Job In Livonia, Michigan, or just a few short miles outside the city limits of Detroit in Wayne county. This is totally unrelated to…
Cross Grained Hand Scraped
This is a character grade walnut floor installed in Rochester Michigan. We are not doing a traditional sanding and finishing job on this floor. The customer has three dogs that…
Mesquite Floor
This floor is a Texas mesquite floor, installed sanded and finished in Beverly Hills, Michigan. In my opinion it is the most beautiful of all domestic hardwoods we have here…
Big Cracks, Nail Holes Old Floor
Here's a situation with a small bungalow in Royal Oak, Michigan. Improve House Value When Selling This home was going directly on the real estate market as soon as we were done…
Major Hardwood Repair
Turn & Run? This job was one of those jobs where you just want to turn and run, but I have never been the type of guy to say no to…
New Website Under Construction
New Website Coming Soon!